Morning Groups
Yoga and Other Healthy Habits - Sandy A.
The yoga poses will be those aimed at improving overall posture with a meditation at the end of the session. Learning to adopt healthier habits is drawn from the author Gretchen Rubin-writer of "Better than Before-mastering our everyday habits".
Materials fee $10
Mind to Mind, Heart to Heart - Rev. Rosie R.
This group will touch on some deep questions like; how did we get here? how do we live our lives?, what is our future? It won’t just be heavy topics but some light ones to. It will be a sharing of our minds and of our hearts.
We will begin with a conversation about a book called, ‘A God That Could Be Real: Spirituality, Science and the Future of our Planet’ by Nancy Ellen Abrams. No need to read the book (but you could), I will share the parts we will be discussing.
It will be a light-hearted take on some deep questions. Daily topics will be forthcoming.
Improv Being in the moment - John Nollen
We will be doing warm up Improv activities and short inmprov games designed to being open to what your scene partner is saying/communicating to you.
Emphasis will be on communication via listening, observing and doing.
A New Look at Haiku and Related Short-Form Poetry - Jill Lange
Want to relax, improve your memory, be fully present, take a look at life from a different view, make friends around the world? An exploration of contemporary haiku, senryu, tanka and more can promise you that. Whether you want to get deep down and personal, or wide and out there with the universe, this may be your Goldilocks opportunity. Beginners and experienced writers are welcome; all assignments voluntary.
Jill has been an AMUUSE camper for ages, and has lead morning groups previously.